The government produced new guidance for Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education in June 2019. Educating the whole child and ensuring the personal development and welfare of each individual are key elements of the ethos of our schools. Positive relationships within the school communities, offer many valuable opportunities for pupils for children to learn about relationships. In addition to this, we identify opportunities to teach pupils about relationships and health education within long term plans.
All pupils receive weekly PSHRE lessons, which are based on the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme. This scheme covers six themes each year which are: Being Me in the World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. Daily acts of collective worship, including ‘Picture News’ which considers British Values and Protected Characteristics, also support the understanding of PSHRE. Community events and Forest schools education offer further opportunities to develop these aspects of the curriculum.
- PSHE Long Term Plan Cycle A
- PSHE Long Term Plan Cycle B
- RSHE - A guide for parents
- Jigsaw - Information for parents
- RSHE Progression of skills

Children learn about washing food and hands before they eat.